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A beet salad that I make 7 times a week. A lot of people have forgotten about it, and for nothing

Beets are an incredibly important vegetable for the human diet. Therefore, it is worth making sure that you have this root vegetable in your refrigerator or cellar.


interesting dishes can be prepared from beets.

Many farmers are sure to include the vegetable in the diet of animals. Of course, in this case we are not talking about table beets, but about fodder beets. The second kind is safe for humans. The main difference is that fodder beets contain more fiber.

Since the XVI century, beets have been subjected to various selection experiments


As a result of biological experiments, the vegetable began to be divided into varieties.

We will tell you about how to use this useful root


It turns out that there are many excellent salads with beets.

Ingredients for beet salad:

  • beets – 2 pcs;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tablespoons;
  • pickled cucumbers – 4 pieces;
  • garlic – 3 cloves.

Preparation of beet salad:

First you need to boil beets until ready, similarly do the same with eggs.

To the mass of beets

and eggs,

add pickled cucumbers grated on medium grated cloves


Pass garlic cloves through the press into the salad, salt and mix the mass.

Салат из свеклы, который я готовлю 7 раз в неделю. Многие о нем позабыли, а зря

It remains only to dress the salad with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Салат из свеклы, который я готовлю 7 раз в неделю. Многие о нем позабыли, а зря

The dish in 3 minutes can be considered ready for consumption.