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A cake that melts in your mouth. Much tastier than the famous Napoleon: the kids ate it in 5 minutes

The first cakes were known about quite a long time ago. These are sweet cakes that were baked in ancient Rome. However, for a long time, mankind did not go further than sweet bread with honey.

Comparatively recently, confectioners learned to prepare a lush tasty cream, which conquered the elite of society. Cakes were popular, as a rule, with emperors, nobles and landowners. Peasants and farmers were far from the concept of cake.

Now the situation has changed, every person can afford a cake. At the same time, it is better to be able to prepare independently this type of dessert. Let’s tell you how to make a homemade tender cake for tea.

Ingredients for the cake:

  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • sugar – 3 tsp;
  • vanilla extract – tsp;
  • leavening agent – tsp;
  • cornstarch – 3 tbsp;
  • Greek yogurt – 400 g;
  • apricot jam;
  • grated coconut;
  • white chocolate – a bar.

Cake preparation:

Break eggs carefully into a plate, trying not to hit the yolks. Divide the yolks and whites, distribute in different containers.

Pour sugar and vanilla extract to the yolks, beat with a whisk until the granules dissolve.

Торт, который тает во рту. Намного вкуснее знаменитого Наполеона: дети съели за 5 минут

Next, beat the yolks with a mixer for 3-4 minutes until white.

Pour cornstarch to the yolks, stir with a


Add Greek yogurt to the mixture, mixing the ingredients thoroughly.

Торт, который тает во рту. Намного вкуснее знаменитого Наполеона: дети съели за 5 минут

In a separate bowl, whip the whites for 7-8 minutes to a lush foam. Gently incorporate the protein foam into the main mixture.

Торт, который тает во рту. Намного вкуснее знаменитого Наполеона: дети съели за 5 минут

Cover a 20 cm diameter baking dish with parchment and spread the egg and Greek yogurt mixture on the bottom.

Торт, который тает во рту. Намного вкуснее знаменитого Наполеона: дети съели за 5 минут

Bake the mixture in the oven at 170 degrees for 40 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 140 degrees, bake for 20 minutes.

After baking leave the biscuit in the oven for 10 minutes. Do not open the door at this time.

Transfer the biscuit with the bottom up, smear the surface and sides with jam.

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Торт, который тает во рту. Намного вкуснее знаменитого Наполеона: дети съели за 5 минут

Sprinkle the biscuit with coconut shavings and decorate the top with grated chocolate.

Торт, который тает во рту. Намного вкуснее знаменитого Наполеона: дети съели за 5 минут

As a result, we get a delicate airy homemade cake. It can be decorated with different sweets and fruits as desired.

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