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A fisherman shared a proven method of salting red fish. The recipe is as simple as possible

Salted red fish is one of the popular delicacies in cooking, known for its unusual flavor and versatility in use. Red fish usually includes species such as salmon, trout, salmon and pink salmon

. The main process of preparing this fish for consumption involves salting it, which not only improves the flavor but also extends the shelf life.

Salting fish is one of the oldest methods of preservation

, which

was used even by our ancestors


This method combats microorganism development and rotting, which makes fish safer and tastier.

The salting process not only changes the flavor but also the texture of the fish, turning it into a soft and tender product that is easily digested by the body.


  • red fish;
  • coarse salt – 400 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.

Preparation of salted red fish:

Divide the fish into layers, remove all the bones, innards, but leave the skin. Lay the fish skin on a baking tray, fillet part up.

For large fish it is necessary to take a lot of salt. Cover the fish with salt, rub it into fibers.

Leave all the fish in a deep container for 5-6 hours to remove moisture. Then hang the fish and leave it in this state for 7-8 hours. You can hang the fish, for example, in the garage.

When the fish dries, remove its skin and cut it into small pieces. Put the pieces in a container and pour in vegetable oil, stir.

Next, lay the fish tightly in the container, add a little pink pepper to the top to taste.

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Рыбак поделился проверенным способом засолки красной рыбы. Максимально простой рецепт

Seal the fish in the container and leave it for a few hours. You can eat such fish immediately, but with additional marinating with pepper it will become even more delicious.

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