Many people refuse to eat cabbage, but restaurants and cafes are happy to serve cabbage dishes. So the problem with cabbage is not in its taste?
As some cooks and chefs have admitted, they do not like to chop cabbage. The fact is that this vegetable can be incredibly difficult to shred. Shredding cabbage can be important for certain recipes. For example, 70% of soups require finely shredded cabbage.
We want to tell you how you can quickly and finely shred this vegetable.
The question will probably arise – why not shred cabbage in a blender or on a grater? From these devices, cabbage loses its texture, so it does not crunch on the teeth. This can also be an important condition if you are preparing sauerkraut. A
blender leaves an unpleasant flavor in the vegetable mass. Because of this, you should not use a blender for chopping.
You can use a grater when cooking cutlets or pie filling. However, more the way of shredding cabbage with the help of a grater does not work with any dish.
For proper thin shredding of cabbage, you will need a vegetable peeler. Before using it, you need to cut the cabbage into 4 lobes, remove the pith
. Next, you need to take one of the cabbage lobes and start running the blade of the vegetable peeler along the rib. It is important to make sharp and confident movements in one direction.
If you constantly practice shrinking cabbage in this way, you will soon become quickly wield the vegetable peeler. As a result, chopping will take no more than 10-15 minutes.