When the season of mushrooms comes, we make a variety of dishes from them, including this hearty and delicious salad of mushrooms, chicken fillet.
For preparation you will need the following ingredients:
- mushrooms, 500 g;
- boiled chicken fillet, 300 g;
- boiled eggs, 4 pcs;
- onions, 100 g;
- pickles, 150 g;
- parsley;
- mayonnaise, 100 g;
- salt, pepper, vegetable oil.
Cooking process
Cut mushrooms in pieces and fry them on a dry pan. Fry until all the liquid evaporates and then salt and pepper them to taste.
Onions cut into quarter rings and add to the mushrooms, pour a little vegetable oil, stir and fry until brown.
Cut pickles into slices
Cut boiled chicken fillet into slices
Chop parsley finely
. Cut eggs into pieces.
Mix all products, dress with mayonnaise, taste and salt to taste.
In such a salad, many still add some cubes of hard cheese and canned pineapple. But this is to taste.