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A mountain of food for pennies: enough for a week. Delicious and juicy homemade cutlets

A cutlet is a dish that is originally French. However, as we know, not all French dishes have taken root in our country. How could cutlets find their place in our culture? For

the first time about cutlets in our country learned at Peter the Great. But, the delicacy was known only in the circles of high society. The fact is that the Emperor ordered to open fashionable restaurants in the capital in the European manner. This means that such establishments must necessarily serve European dishes. For this reason, Peter sent his cooks to the homeland of culinary delights. In France, cooks adopted the experience of European colleagues. When returning to the country, culinary experiments began, including with cutlets.

Now there is no need for us to learn this meat dish in a new way. Therefore, let’s prepare simple homemade cutlets.

Ingredients for cutlets:

  • cabbage – 200 g;
  • flour – 4 tbsp;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs;
  • parsley – 20 g;
  • minced meat – 500 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • kefir – 250 ml;
  • garlic – clove;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.

Preparation of cutlets:

Shred cabbage on medium grater teeth, peeled potatoes in separate bowls. Shinkuem finely parsley, mix with potato and cabbage mass.

In the vegetable mixture put minced meat, pour kefir, salt and mix the components together well. To the mixture break a couple of eggs, rub a clove of garlic, re-mix the meat mass.

Гора еды за копейки: хватит на неделю. Вкусные и сочные домашние котлеты

Sift flour into the mixture, knead the meat consistency for cutlets. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry under a lid formed cutlets on both sides until browned.

ALSO READ:  I've never had anything tastier. Potato pie with baked minced meat.

Гора еды за копейки: хватит на неделю. Вкусные и сочные домашние котлеты

To the minced meat you can add your favorite spices, for example, ground black pepper and coriander.

Гора еды за копейки: хватит на неделю. Вкусные и сочные домашние котлеты Гора еды за копейки: хватит на неделю. Вкусные и сочные домашние котлеты

Parsley can be replaced with dill, then the flavor of cutlets will change a little.

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