Adzhika is a spicy seasoning in the form of a paste-like mass, which is widely used in Abkhazian, Georgian and Russian cuisine. It has a bright spicy flavor and aroma, which is achieved by combining various spices and herbs.
Adzhika is prepared from red or green peppers, garlic, salt and various seasonings
Depending on the recipe, tomatoes, carrots, apples, walnuts and other ingredients can be added to it. Adzhika perfectly suits meat and fish dishes, and can also be used as an independent appetizer.
Let’s tell you how to cook adzhika
- Beets – 500 g;
- Sweet pepper – 500 g;
- Tomatoes – 750 g;
- Garlic – 2 heads;
- Salt – 1 tbsp;
- Sugar – 2 tbsp;
- Vinegar 9% – 2 tbsp;
- Vegetable oil – 50 ml.
Preparation of adzhika:
Peel beets from the skin and cut into small cubes. Peel from the insides of the pepper and also cut not coarsely. Cut tomatoes into small slices.
Put all the cut vegetables and garlic through a meat grinder and put into a pot. Salt, sprinkle sugar on the mixture and cook after boiling for 30 minutes.
Then add vinegar and vegetable oil, mix the components. We pour the ajika into jars and close tightly with lids. As they cool down, they can be put in the refrigerator.
For a more piquant flavor when boiling, you can add a sprig of basil for 10 minutes. It turns out to be an excellent appetizer for any dish.