Salads have become an important part of the festive table. But, after the celebration, as a rule, some part of the dishes remains in the refrigerator. How to make salads keep longer after the main serving?
There are several rules for preparing salads, which will help them to be tasty and fresh for several days.
First, vegetables for salad should be cooked in the skin. This applies to potatoes and carrots, as well as beets. Clean and cut vegetables before cooking.
Secondly, it is better to cool all products before cooking. Mixing warm and cold products will badly affect the taste and texture of the salad.
Let’s prepare a salad with baked potatoes
Ingredients for salad with baked potatoes:
- Bacon – 350 g;
- Potatoes – 1 kg;
- Hard cheese – 80 g;
- Green onions – 100 g;
- Dill – 20 g;
- Mayonnaise – 150 g;
- Sour cream – 150 g;
- Black pepper – 0.5 tsp;
- Salt – ½ tsp.
Preparation of salad with baked potatoes:
Cut the bacon into small bars. In a skillet in a small amount of oil, melt the fat from the bacon. It is important to do this not on the maximum heat of the frying pan.
Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes. Once the fat has melted from the bacon, pour it into a skillet placed over the potatoes. This way the fat and butter drains into the potatoes.
We cover the baking tray with parchment and place the potatoes and butter on it. Bake the potatoes at 250 degrees for 10 minutes. Then turn the potato cubes, continue baking.
part of the green onions cut coarsely, the rest – finely. Chop the dill finely and mix with the finely chopped onion.
Grate the cheese. Mix in a separate bowl sour cream and mayonnaise. A little potatoes turn into mashed potatoes, add to the sauce of mayonnaise and sour cream. The
main part of the potatoes is transferred to a shuvovka and let the oil drain. After that send the potatoes to the greens in the salad bowl together with the bacon, salt.
Fill the salad with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream
Mix the components, add cheese and black pepper.
Do not forget to decorate the salad before serving with green onions, which were coarsely chopped beforehand. This salad turns out unusual and tasty.