In French cuisine, a huge number of dishes are prepared on the basis of cheese and chicken. Such a combination of products gives incredible flavor and emotions. And you can prepare a gourmet dish with a minimum of ingredients and at home. The cooking process is quite simple, and it will not take much time.
Delight your family with this delicious dinner!
Ingredients for French-style chicken:
- chicken fillet – 1.2 kg;
- eggs – 5 pcs;
- sour cream – 100 g;
- onion – 1 pc;
- tomatoes – 2 pcs;
- hard mozzarella cheese – 250 g;
- vegetable oil;
- salt;
- dried garlic; sweet parsley;
- seasoning for chicken to taste.
Preparation of French-style chicken:
Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and send it to a bowl. Here we also pour salt to taste. Add dried garlic, spices for chicken, sweet paprika. Stir so that the chicken is soaked in seasonings.
In the bowls in which we will cook, pour a little vegetable oil. Put the seasoned chicken in them.
In a separate bowl break eggs, add sour cream. Stir the ingredients to make
a homogeneous mixture. Also add salt to taste, and stir once again. With this mixture pour the chicken in the prepared baking molds.
Let’s move on to cutting vegetables. Cut onions in half rings or rings. Put it on top of the chicken in the molds. Now cut tomatoes in circles. We put them on top.
This will make the dish not only tasty, but also beautiful.
Bake chicken French-style in the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees C. At
this time grate cheese. 5 minutes before the dish is ready, sprinkle the cheese on top of the dish. The
cheese will melt and form a small crust.
All, now you can enjoy a delicious dinner together with your family. Both children and adults will be satisfied.
Bon appetit!