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Always turn out puffy and do not fall off. Yeast pancakes: proven recipe

What dish can be cooked for breakfast all the time? Probably such a dish should be considered pancakes. The fact is that pancakes can be combined with many fillings. For example, with sour cream and condensed milk. This will make the fritters more versatile as a breakfast dish.

There are several simple ways to prepare puffy fritters

. First, the dough is kneaded only once.

Secondly, it is better to cook fritters on room temperature products.

Let’s make homemade puffed


Ingredients for fritters:

  • milk – 250 ml;
  • yeast – 8 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar – 2.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • flour – 250 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.

Preparation of fritters:

In a bowl with warm milk mix yeast and a teaspoon of sugar, mix the components, dissolving the yeast. Pour the flour into the yeast milk and knead a thick dough.

Leave the dough for 30 minutes in the heat under a cling film. Then pour the rest of the sugar, salt, vegetable oil and egg beaten with a fork into the dough.

Всегда получаются пышными и не опадают. Оладьи на дрожжах: проверенный рецепт

Thoroughly mix the dough with the rest of the ingredients. Leave the dough for half an hour under a plastic wrap.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan over high heat. Soak a tablespoon in water and scoop the dough with it. Use the second spoon to help scoop the dough onto the pan.

Всегда получаются пышными и не опадают. Оладьи на дрожжах: проверенный рецепт

Fry the fritters over medium heat for about 2.5 minutes on each side.

When frying on the second side, you can cover the fritters with a lid, but leave a small opening for steam.

Всегда получаются пышными и не опадают. Оладьи на дрожжах: проверенный рецепт

Place the fritters on a paper towel after frying. This will allow the excess oil to drip off the fritters more quickly.

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