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An inexpensive lunch of just 5 potatoes. Life has taught me how to survive



played a very significant role in shaping human culture. In Europe and America, there are museums dedicated to the potato. In addition, in the poor South Islands, the potato can serve as currency. The

love for this vegetable is a relatively recent phenomenon


Europeans began to eat potatoes in the XVIII century. After a while, recipes with potatoes appeared.

Now it is difficult to imagine a fast-food restaurant without dishes with fried potatoes.

Let’s talk about the recipe for cooking potato cutlets


Ingredients for potato cutlets:

  • potatoes – 5 pcs;
  • salt – tsp;
  • ground black pepper – ½ tsp;
  • sweet paprika – 2 tsp;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • parsley – a bunch.

Preparation of potato cutlets:

Peel potatoes from the peel, boil until tender for 15 minutes.

To the potato mass pour salt, sweet paprika, black pepper and flour. Shinkuem finely parsley, add to the potatoes, mix all components thoroughly.

Недорогой обед всего из 5 картофелин. Жизнь научила меня выживать

Form the potato mass into small cutlets.

Недорогой обед всего из 5 картофелин. Жизнь научила меня выживать

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry potato cutlets until browned.

Недорогой обед всего из 5 картофелин. Жизнь научила меня выживать

Transfer the cutlets on a paper towel, get rid of excess fat.

Недорогой обед всего из 5 картофелин. Жизнь научила меня выживать

We get potato cutlets, similar in flavor to pancakes.

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