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And you don’t need to cook anything: ready in 5 minutes. Quick salad for a festive table

An important dish for almost any festive table is a salad. It is simply impossible to imagine most celebrations without it. Salads have become a tradition for millions of families around the world.

Most people think of salads as an appetizer. However, as the practice of Herring under Shuba has shown, salad can also become a main course. It

is not necessary to spend a lot of expensive products for cooking. There are salads that can be made from budget components.

We will tell you about a quick salad, suitable for both a celebration and a snack.

Ingredients for a quick salad:

  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • ham – 300 g;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • cucumbers – 3 pcs;
  • canned peas – 200 g;
  • dill – a bunch;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • mustard grains – 2 tsp;
  • sour cream – 2 tsp.

Preparing a quick salad:

In a bowl break the eggs, salt and whisk thoroughly. Pour the egg mixture into a frying pan with a drop of vegetable oil, fry the egg pancake on both sides until golden.

Cut small bars of ham and egg pancake, place in a salad


Grate carrots on a coarse grater, cut cucumbers



. Put carrots and cucumbers in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Add canned peas and chopped dill to the salad bowl.

И ничего варить не надо: готово за 5 минут. Быстрый салат на праздничный стол

Dress the salad with mustard in grains and sour cream, mix thoroughly, salt.

И ничего варить не надо: готово за 5 минут. Быстрый салат на праздничный стол

Sour cream can be replaced with Greek yogurt or mayonnaise. The salad is simple, yet tasty and versatile.