Bananas are mistakenly thought of as a fruit by many, as it has a large number of similar properties to fruits. However, bananas are an herbaceous plant that grows in Africa. There are wild bananas and domestic bananas. A distinctive feature of wild bananas is a lot of pips that prevent eating the pulp
. People knew about the existence and edibility of bananas long ago, before our era. Banana began to spread around the world in the era of Alexander the Great. Bananas were then actively brought to different countries.
Now bananas are a typical foreign product. With bananas are made baked goods, such as cakes.
Ingredients for banana cake:
- Ready-made shortcake – 6 pcs;
- Banana – 4 pcs;
- Sour cream 30% – 400 g;
- Boiled condensed milk – 380 g.
Preparation of banana cake:
Mix sour cream and condensed milk in a separate bowl. Peeled bananas cut into thin circles
. Grease each cake with cream, lay out the banana circles on the surface.
Assemble the cake, smear the top and sides with the rest of the cream.
Decorate such a fast cake can be simply boiled condensed milk. To do this, put condensed milk in a pastry bag and cover the top of the cake with a thin stream.
It turns out a very fast cake for tea
This recipe does not require a long baking of the sponge cake, the creation of a difficult cream.