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Barrel tomatoes in jars for the winter. The easiest recipe

Barrel tomatoes are a traditional way of preparing tomatoes for the winter, which allows you to preserve their flavor and benefits. This method of preservation has been known for many years and is still popular with many housewives.

Barrel tomatoes differ from pickled or salted tomatoes in that no vinegar is added to them. Thanks to this, they turn out more natural and retain their natural flavor. In addition, barrel tomatoes have a special flavor, which is achieved through the fermentation process.

Such tomatoes are not only tasty, they are healthy. Most of the minerals and vitamins in the barrel tomatoes are preserved.

Let’s prepare delicious barrel tomatoes for the cold period.

Ingredients per 1 liter jar:

  • salt – tbsp;
  • mustard – tbsp;
  • tomatoes;
  • dill – sprig;
  • sweet pepper – pcs.

Preparation of barrel tomatoes:

Put in a jar peeled from the insides of the bell pepper, sprig of dill. Put tomatoes in the jar until we fill it completely.

Pour a tablespoon of salt and mustard into the jar.

Бочковые помидоры в банках на зиму. Самый простой рецепто

Pour water into the jar, close the lid and shake until the salt and mustard mix with the water.

Бочковые помидоры в банках на зиму. Самый простой рецепто

We send the jar to the cellar for 2 months. The result is delicious barrel tomatoes without vinegar.

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