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Beet salad without mayonnaise – its flavor never gets boring. Light, crunchy and simple

Why do doctors constantly say that you need to eat every day dishes with beets? The

fact is that beets are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals for the human body. Of course, you can get these vitamins without eating beets, but it will be much more difficult.

Beets can get rid of kidney disease, remove stones


Beet dishes establish digestion and cope with toxic substances. Many people notice an improvement in the condition of the skin after eating a root


every day.

We will show you a recipe for beet salad, which will give you an incentive to start eating this useful vegetable.

Ingredients for beet salad:

  • boiled beets – pcs;
  • vegetable oil – tbsp;
  • boiled carrots – pcs;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • onions – pcs.;
  • green onions – a bundle;
  • sauerkraut – 150 g.

Preparation of beet salad:

Boiled beets and carrots should be peeled and chopped on large grater sharps, mix with vegetable oil.

Салат из свеклы без майонеза – его вкус никогда не надоедает. Легкий, хрустящий и простой

Onions cut into half-rings, squeeze a little to get juice and combine with beet and carrot mass.

Shinkuem green onions, knead and also add to the vegetables


Salad salt, put in it washed and squeezed sauerkraut.

Салат из свеклы без майонеза – его вкус никогда не надоедает. Легкий, хрустящий и простой

To this beet salad you can additionally add dill, parsley and black ground pepper.

Салат из свеклы без майонеза – его вкус никогда не надоедает. Легкий, хрустящий и простой

It is recommended to be guided by your preferences in adjusting the volume of ingredients for the dish.