Salads are considered a dish that can help with weight loss. But, not all dishes of chopped and shredded vegetables can cope with this task. The fact is that for weight loss in a vegetable salad should not be unnecessary components.
For example, studies from England have shown that salads with mayonnaise, smoked meat, pickled vegetables and mushrooms reduce the ability of a person to lose weight. This is because the body gets a lot of salts that it doesn’t need. It’s
best to avoid pickles and smoked meats in salads if you want to lose weight. Also watch what you dress your dishes with.
We can give you a recipe for one healthy vegetable salad without unnecessary products.
Ingredients for the vegetable salad:
- apple – pcs;
- parsley – a bunch;
- beets – pcs;
- cinnamon – ¼ tsp;
- lemon juice – tsp;
- ground cumin – ¼ tsp;
- olive oil – 50 ml;
- hot pepper – ¼ tsp;
- honey – tsp;
- coriander – ½ tsp;
- salt – ½ tsp.
Preparation of vegetable salad:
Boil carrots and beets until soft. Then shred the peeled carrots and beets on a large grater. Remove the apples from the seed pods and cut into thin small slices.
Create a salad dressing from honey, lemon juice and olive oil. Pour salt, cinnamon, ground cumin, hot pepper and coriander into the mixture. Dress the salad with the resulting sauce and mix well.
Chop parsley finely and decorate the salad with it.
Instead of parsley you can chop other favorite greens. You get a healthy and tasty salad that combines the sourness of lemon and sweetness of apple.