Cooking draniki is a whole art, which the Belarusians have mastered to perfection. In this country, the recipes for potato cakes differ from what we are used to cooking.
For example, in Belarus, potatoes with a yellow core are chosen for draaniki.
By the way, the liquid from under the shredded vegetables should be drained to get tasty draniki.
We do not use eggs for cooking the traditional dish! This ingredient makes the draniki less tender and juicy.
Using these tips, let’s make classic draniki.
Ingredients for shredded pancakes:
- potatoes – 12 pcs;
- salt – ⅓ tsp;
- sour cream – tbsp;
- onion – 3 pcs;
- flour – 2 tbsp.
Preparation of draniki:
Remove the potatoes from the skin and chop them on small round grater teeth. It is not necessary to grate potatoes coarsely. You can use a meat grinder for shredding
. You should not use a blender for cooking the potatoes. The
liquid from the potatoes should be drained
Mix the potato mass with sour cream and flour. If there is no sour cream at home, you can replace it with a spoonful of milk.
Chop the onion on small grating cutters, add to the potato mass, mix until thick. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat it.
We lay out portions of draaniki with a spoon on the surface of the hot frying pan. Fry the tortillas on medium heat until golden crust
. When you turn the draaniki to the second side, cover the frying pan with a lid and bring the dish to readiness. As a
result, you get puffy draaniki with a crispy crust
The dish goes well with sour cream, and is also suitable for use with vegetable salads.