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Best chicken breast recipe. A recipe that has won millions of hearts: delicious, quick and easy

It is no secret that white poultry meat contains a minimum amount of fat. Specialists refer to the breast as the healthiest part of the chicken carcass. Thighs and shanks can also be eaten, but it is better to choose lunch time for them, and for dinner eat meat with a low fat content, that is, breast.

If you remove the skin from the thighs, they will still contain a lot of fat and cholesterol


Breast is many times healthier in this regard, so there is reason to love chicken the American way. That is, buy and cook only white meat – dry, without fried crust and skin with mayonnaise. However, if you cook with the right recipe, you can discover a new and uniquely delicious dish!


  • chicken breast – 3 pcs;
  • onion – pcs;
  • olive oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • butter – 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • lemon juice;
  • chicken broth or water – a glass;
  • cream – a cup;
  • nutmeg – 2 tsp;
  • ground black pepper, salt.

Cooking the breasts:

On chicken breasts make incisions lengthwise and across. Fillet both sides salt and pepper to taste.

Лучший рецепт куриной грудки. Рецепт, который завоевал миллионы сердец: вкусно, быстро и легко

In a frying pan send two tablespoons of olive oil and a small piece of butter. Fry the breast on medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden.

Лучший рецепт куриной грудки. Рецепт, который завоевал миллионы сердец: вкусно, быстро и легко

Using a knife, finely chop the garlic cloves. Cut the onion into half rings.

Grease the frying pan with a small piece of butter. Add the prepared garlic. Fry a little and add the onion.

Лучший рецепт куриной грудки. Рецепт, который завоевал миллионы сердец: вкусно, быстро и легко

Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the pan. Pour one cup of boiling water or chicken broth, if available. Also add cream.

ALSO READ:  Don't cook chicken breast until you've read this recipe. It's unbelievably delicious

Лучший рецепт куриной грудки. Рецепт, который завоевал миллионы сердец: вкусно, быстро и легко

Pour in half a teaspoon of nutmeg and salt. As a decoration add some herbs to the ingredients.

Send to the contents of the chicken fillet


Лучший рецепт куриной грудки. Рецепт, который завоевал миллионы сердец: вкусно, быстро и легко

Cook under a closed lid on low heat. 25 minutes is enough.

Лучший рецепт куриной грудки. Рецепт, который завоевал миллионы сердец: вкусно, быстро и легко

The dish is ready, sprinkle a small amount of fresh herbs on top.

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