Salads with a small amount of products always turn out the most delicious, because they have a perfect combination of flavors of different ingredients. Pickled onions and meat add piquancy to the salad.
For preparation you will need such ingredients:
chicken fillet, 300 g;
– onion, 1 pc;
– eggs, 3 pcs;
– tomato, 1 pc;
– sugar, 1 tbsp
; – vinegar, 2 tbsp
; – mayonnaise, 2 tbsp
; – salt, pepper.
Cooking process
Boil eggs and cut them into cubes. Cut
tomato into cubes.
Tip: to make the salad “not flow”, tomato cut into two parts, remove the pulp with seeds with a teaspoon and then cut into random pieces.
Onions are cut into thin semicircles, mix with sugar and bite, leave to marinate.
Chicken meat is boiled in salted water with spices, cooled and cut and diced.
Onions are squeezed from vinegar
Mix all the ingredients, dress with mayonnaise and serve
To make it tastier, add red onions, also pre-marinating it. Chicken meat can be smoked or baked in the oven – so the salad will have original, savory notes. Some people also add diced cheese, but not much.