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Bright New Year’s dish for a feast. Salad with marinated mushrooms

Salad with marinated mushrooms is a wonderful dish that combines the freshness of vegetables, the nutrition of chicken breast and the unique flavor of mushrooms. Champignons, being one of the most popular types of mushrooms, are ideal for cooking: they can be marinated, which allows you to preserve their flavor and aroma, and adds new notes to the finished dish.

Marinated mushrooms are distinguished not only by their rich flavor, but also by their improved combination with other ingredients, which makes them an excellent base for various salads.
Historically, mushrooms began to be used in cooking back in the XVIII-XIX centuries, and since then they have gained popularity not only in Europe, but also in Russia. Marinating mushrooms has become a traditional way of storing them, allowing you to enjoy the exquisite taste even in winter, when fresh mushrooms are not available.

Let’s tell you how to prepare a salad with marinated



  • Marinated mushrooms – 300 g;
  • Cheese – 200 g;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Smoked chicken breast – 1 pc;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Cucumbers – 2 pcs;
  • Bulgarian pepper – 1 pc.

Preparation of salad with mushrooms:

Chop finely smoked chicken and lay it out in a cooking ring. You can put a glass in the middle of the ring, so the salad gets a more interesting shape.

Smear a layer of chicken with mayonnaise, on it lay the sliced cucumber. You can put the sliced cucumber on a paper towel to drain off excess liquid. We grease

the cucumber layer, put on it chopped pickled



Grate cheese on a coarse grater and mix it with mayonnaise

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. Put the cheese mass on the mushroom layer, tamp

it down.

Cut bell pepper finely and put it on the cheese layer.

Яркое новогоднее блюдо для застолья. Салат с маринованными шампиньонами

We remove the glass from the salad, gently scrolling it before taking it out. It turns out a bright New Year’s dish for a feast.

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