A casserole is a quick and easy dinner made from ingredients that you always have in your refrigerator. Probably for these reasons casserole became so popular among Europeans. The
history of casseroles stretches back to the Middle Ages. In ancient times, this dish was a favorite of the poor. Housewives would make casseroles for dinner out of whatever was left over after dinner. Casseroles probably saved a lot of people from starvation during the war.
In the modern world, casseroles are not the dish of the poor. There are many non-budget recipes, for example, with meat and chicken. However, let’s talk about cabbage casserole, an easy dinner for the whole family.
Ingredients for cabbage casserole:
- Cabbage – 1/2 pc;
- Carrots – 1 pc;
- Onion – 2 pcs;
- Eggs – 3 pcs;
- Kefir – 120 g;
- Flour – 5 tbsp;
- Leavening agent – 1 tsp;
- Dill – a couple of sprigs;
- Salt – 1/2 tsp.
Preparation of cabbage casserole:
Shinkuem finely cabbage, remove the cob and top leaves, knead with your hands. Chop finely onion and fry until soft in a pan with vegetable oil.
Grate carrots on a coarse grater, add to the cabbage
Chop dill finely. Break eggs in a separate bowl, pour salt, add kefir
. Thoroughly mix the components, pour flour and leavening agent, knead a kind of dough. Mix fried onions with cabbage and carrots, add dill
. Grease a baking mold with butter, put the vegetable mass on the bottom. Pour the dough over the vegetable mixture and tamp it well.
Bake the dish at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
The casserole will smell like a cabbage pie.
This is a great dish without meat, which will be relevant for an ordinary dinner.