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Cabbage patties – tastier than meat patties. Simple homemade recipe in 15 minutes

Cabbage pies are no less in demand than meat and berry pies. The fact is that pies with this filling are economical. They are prepared, as a rule, from a minimum of products. At the same time, cabbage pies are delicious and hearty.

There are many different recipes for cooking cabbage pies. There is a classic long recipe, which involves kneading a lush dough. However, it is not always possible to allocate time for a long cooking of pies

. Therefore, we will share a recipe for lazy cabbage pies.

Ingredients for cabbage pies:

  • Cabbage – 400 g;
  • Onion – 1 pc;
  • Carrots – 1 pc;
  • Vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • Kefir – 400 ml;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Flour – 400 g.

Preparation of cabbage pies:

Shinkuem finely cabbage, cut small cubes of onion. Chop carrots on small grating cutters. In a frying pan with vegetable oil fry onions and carrots until soft.

To onions and carrots add cabbage, salt and leave the vegetables to stew under a lid until ready. At this time, beat eggs with salt in a separate bowl.

Pour leavening agent into kefir, mix the components. Pour the kefir into the egg mixture, pour in the flour, knead a homogeneous thick dough. Pour

the stewed cabbage into the dough, mix again


Пирожки из капусты - вкуснее мясных. Простой домашний рецепт за 15 минут

Heat 50 ml of vegetable oil in a frying pan, spoon out small tortillas. Fry the pies on both sides until golden crust.

Пирожки из капусты - вкуснее мясных. Простой домашний рецепт за 15 минут

As a result, we have lazy cabbage pies without kneading the dough and long waits for opara.

Пирожки из капусты - вкуснее мясных. Простой домашний рецепт за 15 минут

The pies are literally ready in 20 minutes.

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