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Cabbage salad for winter: recipe without boiling and sterilization

Pickled cabbage salad is a popular and healthy dish that can be found on tables in many countries. Delicious, crunchy and full of flavor, this salad is perfect as a side dish to meat and fish dishes, and can also serve as an independent appetizer.

Cabbage has been an important part of the diet of many peoples for centuries


It was used not only as a main source of vitamins in winter, but also as a base for many dishes.

Let’s tell you how to make pickled cabbage salad tastier


  • Cabbage – 5 kg;
  • Carrots – 1 kg;
  • Sweet pepper – 1 kg;
  • Onions – 1 kg;
  • Salt – 100 g;
  • Sugar – 300 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 500 ml;
  • Vinegar 9% – 200 ml.

Preparation of cabbage pickled salad:

Shinkuem small cabbage straw, rub carrots on a Korean grater. Clean the sweet pepper from the insides and also cut into small straws.

Mix cabbage with carrots and peppers in one bowl. Cut onions in half rings and add to the vegetables, salt, pour sugar into the mixture.

Pour vegetable oil and vinegar into the mixture, mix thoroughly and put the salad in jars


Pour the resulting juice into the jars, roll them up with lids.

Салат из капусты на зиму: рецепт без варки и стерилизации

After a few days, you can serve the salad to the table. This is a great dish that goes with different side dishes and meat.