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Chicken soup with a secret: children and husband ask to cook only in this way. It’s delicious

Soups have been served since ancient Rome to whet the appetite before the main course. And in the Middle Ages, the dish was served in common more often, thus symbolizing the unity of the community.

Chicken soup in the modern world occupies a significant part of the diet


Since ancient times we know the recipes for shchi, botviny, rassolnik. But the dishes on chicken broth got its popularity only in the XIX century and retain it until now. This happened thanks to the development of poultry farming and the availability of the product. Here is a recipe for a simple chicken soup with a twist!

Ingredients for the soup:

  • chicken wings – 4 pcs;
  • potatoes – pcs;
  • onion – pcs;
  • carrots – ½ pcs;
  • spider noodles – 2 handfuls;
  • herbs;
  • salt.

Preparation of the soup:

At chicken wings get rid of the tip, cut into convenient pieces. Throw the meat into a pot, cook until ready. Add salt to taste.

Cut potatoes into straws


Send to the boiled wings

. We make a frying of sliced onions. When it begins to get a golden color, add grated carrots. You can use both fresh and frozen.

The highlight of this soup will be spider web noodles


In the pan to the fried onions and carrots we add fried noodles. Cook for a while and send all the frying to the soup.

The fried noodles give an interesting flavor! The advantage of frying is that if the soup stands, the vermicelli will not swell, as it happens.

Куриный суп с секретом: дети и муж просят готовить только так. Пальчики оближешь

Cook until ready and garnish with herbs. Soup is ready! Try it!