Quick pies have appeared in cooking quite recently. This is a real revolution in the field of baking art, because before it took a lot of time to prepare the dough. In the Middle Ages, bakers spent 24 hours of their time preparing bread and rolls. Often the whole family was engaged in this craft. Although the bread business brought bakers a lot of money, in return they received a complete lack of time for themselves and their health.
Now people have access to fast acting yeast, special mixers and blenders for kneading dough
Bake a simple pie became possible for 10-15 minutes. Let’s tell you how to make cottage cheese pie.
Ingredients of the dough for cottage cheese pie:
- Kefir – 200 g;
- Soda – tsp;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Sugar – 50 g;
- Flour – 400 g;
- Butter – 100 g;
- Egg – pcs.
Ingredients for the filling:
- Curd – 600 g;
- Egg – pcs;
- Sugar – 50 g;
- Egg – pcs.
Preparation of cottage cheese cake:
In a bowl with warm kefir pour baking soda, mix. After baking soda reacts, pour salt and sugar, mix.
Melt butter, pour into kefir
Break the eggs into the kefir, mix.
Sift the flour into the kefir in batches, knead the dough.
Use your hands to knead a homogeneous and elastic dough
Pour vegetable oil into the dough, knead a non-sticky lump. Leave the dough under cellophane for 10 minutes.
For the filling mix cottage cheese, egg and sugar in a blender. Divide the dough into two parts – one larger than the other. Roll out the dough into a layer larger in diameter than the baking
dish and place it in a baking dish lined with parchment. The dough should cover both the bottom and sides of the mold. Spread the cottage cheese mixture on the bottom, tamping it down slightly.
Roll out a small part of the dough into a layer and divide it into small strips. From these strips form a pattern on the surface of the curd mass.
Brush the top of the pie with egg. Bake the pie at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
You get a flavorful cottage cheese pie.
This pie is juicy and delicious both hot and cold.