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Crispy tubes for tea in a pan. Delicious and quick: dessert from simple products

For many people, crispy tubes are a favorite childhood treat. Everyone has at least once tried this dessert, for example, with boiled condensed milk.

In fact, you can prepare such a treat in just 10 minutes. The main thing is to know the right recipe, which we will now tell you about.


  • Egg whites – 3 pcs;
  • Sugar – 100-150 g. (7-8 tbsp. l.);
  • Flour – 170-180 g. (8-9 tbsp. l. without a large slide);
  • Melted butter – 100 g;
  • Milk – 80-100 ml.


In a separate container, combine egg whites and sugar. Whisk the mixture with a whisk for a couple of minutes. Add flour to the egg mixture, stir and pour in melted butter.

Stir everything to a homogeneous mass.

Heat a skillet over medium heat and place one tablespoon of batter in it


Try to spread the dough over the entire surface in circular motions thinner.

Хрустящие трубочки к чаю на сковороде. Вкусно и быстро: десерт из простых продуктов

Once one side is browned, flip to the other side. When the second side has browned, roll the pancake into a tube before the tortilla cools down.

Хрустящие трубочки к чаю на сковороде. Вкусно и быстро: десерт из простых продуктов

Similarly fry the rest of the tortillas.

Хрустящие трубочки к чаю на сковороде. Вкусно и быстро: десерт из простых продуктов

Treats can be filled with absolutely any filling. They will go well with whipped cream, boiled condensed milk or powdered sugar.

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