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Curd casserole, just like in kindergarten. Perfect breakfast: I make it every day and never get bored of it

Casserole recipes have lived in different nations of the world since ancient times. This is especially true for dishes made of cottage cheese. The fact is that when cottage cheese appeared to the Slavs, they immediately began to experiment. Curd

baked perfectly in ovens, became a little sweeter and more nourishing


Therefore, it was decided to modernize this method of cooking.

The more we established ties with France, the more we learned about casseroles. Accordingly, more dishes could be prepared from cottage cheese.

Let’s tell you how to make a lush cottage cheese casserole.

Ingredients for cottage cheese casserole:

  • cottage cheese – 700 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • sugar – 130 g;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • vanilla – a pinch;
  • lemon zest – a pinch;
  • semolina – 80 g;
  • kefir – 200 g.

Preparation of cottage cheese casserole:

In a deep bowl, mix melted butter with cottage cheese, eggs, granulated sugar, salt, vanilla and lemon zest. Pour semolina into the mixture, pour in kefir. With

a blender, beat the cottage cheese and the rest of the ingredients until smooth and homogeneous.

Творожная запеканка, как в садике. Идеальный завтрак: готовлю каждый день и не надоедает

Grease a baking dish with butter, spread the curd mixture, level it.

Творожная запеканка, как в садике. Идеальный завтрак: готовлю каждый день и не надоедает

Творожная запеканка, как в садике. Идеальный завтрак: готовлю каждый день и не надоедает

Bake the dish in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Творожная запеканка, как в садике. Идеальный завтрак: готовлю каждый день и не надоедает

On top of the casserole you can put fruit or berries, the main thing is to do it before baking. By the way, frozen berries do not need to defrost.

Author of the photo and the original recipe youtube.com channel: Cooking with Tanya 2.0