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Delicious and creative. Roll “Herring under a fur coat” for New Year’s table

The combination of beets and fish on the New Year’s table is a frequent occurrence. And all thanks to the famous “Herring in a fur coat”.

According to one legend, in the early twentieth century merchant Anastas Bogomilov was the owner of taverns and dining rooms


The parties of his guests often ended in fights, and in the end – damage to the property in the institution. Then he came up with a solution that allowed him to keep his guests sober for a longer period of time. That’s how this wonderful hearty salad came to be.

Nowadays, there’s a reimagined version of the dish’s design. Probably, the treat is just as hearty, but divided into portioned pieces, which will allow you not to overeat and treat yourself to all the richness of the table.

Ingredients for the roll:

  • beets – pcs;
  • potatoes – pcs;
  • carrots – pcs.;
  • egg – pcs.;
  • herring – 5 pieces;
  • nori sheet – pcs;
  • mayonnaise.

Preparation of the roll:

Boil vegetables: carrots, beets and potatoes. Grate them on a coarse grater. For the boiled chicken egg also use a coarse grater.

On a mat lay food wrap and lay a sheet of nori on top. On the central part of the nori sheet make a layer of beets. Then make a layer of mayonnaise

. Put potatoes, carrots and again a layer of mayonnaise. Next we put the prepared eggs and on the center of one strip lay out pieces of herring.

Вкусно и креативно. Ролл «Селедка под шубой» на Новогодний стол

Using a mat, twist the products into a full roll. Trim the excess parts of the nori sheet to tightly roll the roll.

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Send the finished product to the refrigerator for 2 hours. After the roll has cooled, take it out of the refrigerator and cut it into portioned pieces.

Вкусно и креативно. Ролл «Селедка под шубой» на Новогодний стол

The edges can be eaten immediately, and the most beautiful rolls put on the table to the delight of guests. Enjoy your appetite!

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