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Delicious apricot jam. Thick and rich

Apricot jam is an affordable sweet for many people.

Apricot jam contains vitamins (A, C, E, B group), minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus) and other useful substances. However, it should be remembered that in the process of cooking jam part of the vitamins are destroyed, so its benefits for the body will be less than from fresh apricots.

Nevertheless, apricot jam can be a source of useful substances in the cold season, when fresh fruit is not available. It can also improve your mood due to its taste and flavor.

Let’s make delicious apricot jam at home


  • apricots – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 1/2 part.

Preparation of apricot jam:

Peel apricots from pits, lay out in layers in a large saucepan. When laying out apricots in layers, fill each layer with sugar.

Leave apricots with sugar in the pot for an hour. Then on high heat cook the apricots to a boil.

Pour lemon juice into the mixture, constantly stirring the ingredients in the pot. After boiling the jam and the appearance of foam, cook it for another 5 minutes on less high heat.

Constantly stir the foam on top of the pot. Next, leave the jam to cool for 8-12 hours. Re-cook the mixture, but only 5 minutes of high heat.

Then remove the foam from the jam and pour it into jars


Вкусное абрикосовое варенье. Густое и насыщенное

It remains only to tighten the lids on the jars with jam and turn them upside down. After a few days you can enjoy a delicious jam from apricots.