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Delicious cookies with a crispy crust. The easiest recipe

Sometimes to make sweet desserts – you don’t need to do a lot of complicated machinations with cream and biscuits. There are a large number of recipes for homemade cookies that are prepared simply. At the same time, cookies made at home have more pluses than purchased ones.

For example, you know exactly what products the cookies are made of. That is, there are no dyes, flavorings and other harmful additives in the composition. This allows you to make cookies dietary and useful for children.

It is worth sharing a recipe for making simple homemade cookies.

Ingredients for homemade cookies:

  • flour – 260 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • butter – 110 g;
  • egg – pcs;
  • milk – tbsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 8 g;
  • leavening agent – tsp;
  • salt – pinch.

Preparation of homemade cookies:

In a bowl put soft butter, pour vanilla and classic sugar, salt. Break the egg into the butter, pour in the milk, mix thoroughly with a spatula.

Then whisk the cream mixture. Mix the flour and baking powder, sift into the cream mixture, knead the dough. Knead

a soft, pliable dough that does not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with cellophane and leave it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Roll out the dough into an 8 mm thick layer.

Вкуснейшее печенье с хрустящей корочкой. Самый простой рецепт

Divide the dough into small 4×4 cm squares. Cover the baking tray with parchment and use a spatula to transfer the squares of dough to the surface.

Вкуснейшее печенье с хрустящей корочкой. Самый простой рецепт

Brush the tops of the cookies with egg yolk.

Вкуснейшее печенье с хрустящей корочкой. Самый простой рецепт

Use a fork to create patterns on the surface of the cookies. Bake the cookies in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

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Вкуснейшее печенье с хрустящей корочкой. Самый простой рецепт

You get a beautiful spongy cookie inside. It is budget-friendly, made with a simple set of ingredients.

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