Porridge is considered one of the most useful types of breakfast in the world. The fact is that porridge contains the necessary amount of useful components that give energy to a person for the day.
Also, porridge improves digestion, helps to get rid of diseases. Many people use porridge for weight loss purposes.
However, all the useful properties apply only to long-cooked porridge. Quick porridges on the contrary, bring harm to the body.
We will tell you how you can deliciously cook rice porridge.
Ingredients for rice porridge:
- round-grain rice – 200 ml;
- milk – 800 ml;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- sugar – 3 tsp.
Preparation of rice porridge:
It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the rice in a saucepan, remove the darkened grains. Pour milk into the washed rice, bring to a boil on medium heat.
If you prepare porridge in advance, it is worth adding a liter of milk. After the rice has boiled, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum, salt.
Pour sugar into the rice, stir. Cook porridge under a lid for 25 minutes. Do not forget to stir the porridge from time to time.
After cooking you can add butter to the porridge, let it melt under the lid in the rice for 5 minutes. The porridge is excellent, not liquid, and not thick.