Flatbread is a substitute for bread peculiar to the inhabitants of the East and Central Asia. The analog of flatbread for us is bread. Why do the peoples of Asia and the East cook flatbread?
It is probably due to their faith and culture. In the desert dwellers, tortillas were cooked literally on the sand. The point is that during the day the sand gets so hot that it turns into an oven. Dough is put into the sand, which turns into a ready-made flatbread. This method of cooking is not possible with bread.
In other countries where there are no deserts, tortillas are cooked in a frying pan. This is also more convenient than baking tortillas in the oven.
Let’s talk about the way to cook tortillas on kefir.
Ingredients for flatbread on kefir:
- Warm kefir – 300 ml;
- Salt – 1 tsp;
- Soda – 1 tsp;
- Egg yolk – 1 pc;
- Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
- Green onions – half a bunch;
- Flour – 380 g.
Ingredients for stuffing:
- 9% cottage cheese – 230 g;
- Cheese – 150 g;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Protein – 1 pc.
Preparation of scones on kefir:
Pour salt and baking soda into warm kefir, add egg yolk and vegetable oil, mix. Chop green onions finely, pour them into kefir together with flour, knead the dough.
Leave the dough for 20 minutes under cellophane in the heat. Grate cheese finely, mix with cottage cheese, salt. Pour the egg white into the filling, mix.
Divide the dough into 10 equal pieces. Roll out the pieces into 0,8 cm thick sheets. Put a spoonful of stuffing in each flatbread, seal inside.
Roll the stuffed flatbread slightly.
In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry the tortillas on both sides until golden.
All that remains is to brush the tortillas with butter.
These are delicious cheese scones for tea.