Most people in the CIS are used to soup being the first meal of the day. But when you get to other countries, it turns out that not everywhere soup is the obligatory first course. For example, in Asia soups are eaten last. Meat dishes and appetizers are eaten first, and only then soup. In addition, in many restaurants in Japan and Korea, the visitor will make his own soup. This service is designed to immerse the guest in the cooking process. It is believed that this is a way to whet a person’s appetite.
Soups can be seen in all cultures. Somewhere soups are bland, somewhere very spicy, somewhere hot, somewhere cold. Let’s tell you how to make a simple soup without meat.
Ingredients for soup:
- Onion – 1 pc;
- Carrots – 1 pc;
- Bulgarian sweet pepper – 1 pc;
- Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
- Water – 1.5 liters;
- Potatoes – 3 pcs;
- Rice – 3 tbsp;
- Cream cheese – 100 g;
- Green onion – a couple of feathers;
- Dill – a couple of sprigs;
- Salt – ½ tsp.
Preparation of the soup:
Grate carrots on a fine grater, cut small diced onions. Cut the peeled pepper into thin strips
. In a saucepan with vegetable oil, saute the carrots, onions and peppers for a couple of minutes. Add hot water to the pot and leave the soup to boil under a lid
. Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes
Add potatoes to the soup, bring to a boil, salt. Rinse the rice thoroughly, add to the soup and simmer for 7 minutes under a lid
. Add cream cheese to the soup, pepper and mix thoroughly
Chop green onions and dill, put into the soup and leave to cook for another 5 minutes.
Do not forget to press garlic cloves and add to the soup
After cooking let the soup stand for 5 minutes under a lid.
It turns out to be an excellent vegetable soup with creamy notes.