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Dessert with apples without kneading: I can’t stop making it. It’s the most delicious and tender I’ve ever tasted

Sometimes it seems impossible to make a dessert from simple ingredients. Many people are sure that cakes and cream cakes require a large number of expensive components. However, as practice shows, making a sweet dessert will turn out even from apples and pita. In

order to make a dessert from apples, you do not need to be a pastry chef


We will tell you how to prepare an apple dessert from simple products for a tea party.

Ingredients for apple roll:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • apples – 3 pcs;
  • thin pita – 200 g;
  • milk – 3 tbsp.

Preparation of apple roll:

Combine cottage cheese and a couple of eggs with granulated sugar. Using an immersion blender, grind the cottage cheese with the rest of the products to a creamy consistency.

Десерт с яблоками без замеса теста: не могу остановиться его готовить. Вкуснее и нежнее еще не было

Cut apples into small slices, get rid of the pips. Mix apple slices in the cottage cheese mixture.

Десерт с яблоками без замеса теста: не могу остановиться его готовить. Вкуснее и нежнее еще не было

Place the curd mixture on the pita. The layer of the mixture should not reach the ends of the pita to make it easier to roll it into a



Bend the edges of the pita, twist it into a roll.

Десерт с яблоками без замеса теста: не могу остановиться его готовить. Вкуснее и нежнее еще не было

Mix the remaining egg with milk. Cover the baking mold with parchment, lay out the roll.

Grease the roll with the mixture of egg and milk, bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Десерт с яблоками без замеса теста: не могу остановиться его готовить. Вкуснее и нежнее еще не было

You get a flavorful cottage cheese dessert with apples. The roll is prepared quickly, without baking the crust.

Десерт с яблоками без замеса теста: не могу остановиться его готовить. Вкуснее и нежнее еще не было