The chicken breast is the lightest part of the meat in the chicken. It is located in the area of the keel bone and triangular cartilage. As a rule, when cooked, the meat becomes as white and dry as possible.
Fiber meat has many cooking characteristics
If you cook chicken breast incorrectly, you will get coarse meat that will be difficult to eat.
Athletes and thinners are interested in
chicken breast. However, some people end up hating this part of the chicken, as they eat it in a dry and rough form. Let’s tell you how to cook delicious chicken breast.
Ingredients for fried chicken breast:
- Chicken fillet – 4 pcs;
- Egg – 3 pcs;
- Parsley – a bundle;
- Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp;
- Flour – 600 g;
- Potatoes – 3 pcs;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Black pepper – a pinch;
- Dried dill – a pinch;
- Thyme;
- Dried garlic.
Preparation of fried chicken breast:
Cut the chicken breast into small pieces. In a bowl with the chicken breast, beat the eggs, sprinkle with salt and mix.
Shinkuem finely parsley, add together with mayonnaise to the bowl with chicken meat and mix.
Pour flour into the meat mixture, mix
Cut the peeled potatoes into large bars. Mix potatoes with salt, black pepper, dried dill, thyme and dried garlic. Pour the olive oil over the potatoes and stir.
Cover a baking tray with parchment and place the potatoes in the spices. Bake the potatoes in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.
Place portions of the meat mixture in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil.
Fry the chicken breast on both sides for 5 minutes.
The result is cutlets of fried chicken meat with a garnish of baked potatoes. Quite a tasty dinner that is worth a try.