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Easy Yogurt Cake. Simple recipe for flourless sponge cake: just 3 ingredients

Cakes are now prepared by every cook, since there is a lot of information on the Internet on baking sponge cakes, whipping cream. This is a great dessert not only for a holiday, but also just for tea. Each country has its own traditional cake. For example, in England there is a sponge cake, timed to the royalty, namely Queen Victoria. In Indonesia, they bake a layered cake called Kek Lapis. In Austria, they create a cake “Gouda” – it is so named because of the filling in the form of Gouda cheese

. In Switzerland, carrot cake is popular, and in Italy – walnut cake. In the CIS countries love different cakes – from Medovik to Napoleon.

Let’s prepare a simple yogurt cake from a few ingredients for a tea party.

Ingredients for yogurt cake:

  • yogurt with sugar – 400 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • cornstarch – 40 g.

Preparation of yogurt cake:

In a bowl with yogurt break the eggs, beat with a whisk until homogeneous. Pour the starch into the mixture in batches and continue mixing the ingredients.

Grease a baking dish with water, crumple the parchment


Put the parchment on the bottom and walls of the mold.

Pour the mixture of yogurt, eggs and starch into the mold.

Легкий йогуртовый торт. Простой рецепт бисквита без муки: всего 3 ингредиента

Bake the cake at 180 degrees for about an hour. Leave after baking the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Легкий йогуртовый торт. Простой рецепт бисквита без муки: всего 3 ингредиента

You get a sponge cake without flour, leavening agent and other products.

Легкий йогуртовый торт. Простой рецепт бисквита без муки: всего 3 ингредиента

To decorate the cake, you can make a glaze, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, add berries.