One of the healthiest vegetables on the planet is cabbage. And there are quite a few species of this plant, which gives people a choice for growing and eating. For example, there are white cabbage and Peking cabbage, as well as sea cabbage.
With special love and reverence for cabbage in Asia. In China, Japan, they breed new types of the vegetable in order to extract new useful substances. Cabbage and without it has a large set of vitamins and minerals. It is able to remove cholesterol from the body, break down gallstones. Perhaps these pluses of Peking cabbage played a role in the popularization of the vegetable.
Peking cabbage can be eaten raw, fried and boiled. We will tell you about the salad with Peking cabbage.
Ingredients for salad with Peking cabbage:
- Peking cabbage – 250 g;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- cucumber – 2 pcs;
- garlic – clove;
- dill – 20 g;
- sour cream – 2 tbsp;
- canned green peas – 130 g.
Preparation of salad with Peking cabbage:
Finely chop cabbage and dill, mix in one bowl. Cut small bars of cucumber, lay out to the mixture of dill and cabbage.
Get rid of peas from excess liquid, pour with salt into the salad. Press out a clove of garlic into the vegetable mass, dress it with sour cream and mix well.
It turns out very uncomplicated salad with a base of Peking cabbage. If desired, mayonnaise and black pepper can be used for dressing.