Beet salads are a source of many useful substances for the body. However, beet and its benefits have not always been so unambiguous.
An interesting fact about beets is that originally only its leaves were eaten. Root crops were used for medicinal purposes. It was grown and used for cooking and treating diseases in Babylon, Persia, ancient Egypt, Assyria, Rome and other countries. In the CIS countries, the beet appeared in the X-XI centuries. It is assumed that it was imported from Byzantium
. Later, beets began to be actively used in cooking. Let’s tell you how you can make a salad from beets.
- Boiled beets – 300 g;
- Cucumbers – 2 pcs;
- Canned beans – 200 g;
- Canned peas – 200 g;
- Garlic – 1 clove;
- Green onions – a bundle;
- Parsley – a bundle;
- Grain mustard – 1 tsp;
- Lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
- Soy sauce – 1 tbsp;
- Black pepper – a pinch;
- Salt – 1/3 tsp;
- Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp.
Preparation of beet salad:
Cut small cubes of cooked beets and cucumbers, mix in a salad bowl. Add canned beans and peas to beets and cucumbers.
Chop green onions and parsley, put them in the salad. In the same place rub a garlic clove on a fine grater, pour lemon juice and soy sauce, mix.
Add to the salad grainy mustard, pour salt and black pepper, pour vegetable oil and again mix thoroughly
You get a diet beet salad without mayonnaise.
This dish is suitable for a snack and as an entrée for lunch and dinner.