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Eaten in a minute. A new beet salad for lunch or dinner

Salads play a big role in the diet of modern man, as they provide the body with various vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of this vegetable dish were noticed in the Middle Ages


However, due to severe unsanitary conditions, only very rich people could eat salads at that time.

Thoroughly washed vegetables were delivered to the kitchens of royalty. For example, Henry IV liked to eat beet salads. Probably thanks to the mixture of beets with potatoes, he was able to overcome many diseases.

We will tell you about the recipe for one of the quick and delicious beet salads.

Ingredients for beet salad:

  • beets – 400 g;
  • grain mustard – tsp;
  • green canned peas – 180 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • garlic – clove;
  • soy sauce – 2 tablespoons;
  • parsley – bundle;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • green onions – bundle.

Preparation of beet salad:

Boil beets, grate on a coarse grater and mix with canned peas.

Съедят за минуту. Новый салат из свеклы на обед или ужин

Using a fork, crush a clove of garlic, finely chop, as well as parsley and green onions.

Add garlic and parsley to the mixture of beets and peas


The salad should be dressed with lemon juice, soy sauce, vegetable oil and mustard. Mix all the components well with each other.

Съедят за минуту. Новый салат из свеклы на обед или ужин

This salad will help to diversify your lunch or dinner.

Съедят за минуту. Новый салат из свеклы на обед или ужин

It will be a good addition before the main course
