Preparing salads for many people takes very little time, so this type of dish is the most favorite for the holidays. But, not always salads turn out to be delicious in the end. What is the catch? The fact
is that in order to prepare a delicious salad, you need to adhere to some rules.
For example, you should cook vegetables in a mound. So they retain more flavor qualities. After boiling and frying, you can not immediately cut and mix the components in the salad. This will lead to an imbalance of cold and hot products, you will get mush.
Adhering to this minimum of rules, you can prepare an excellent salad. Let’s show how to make a salad “Favorite Husband”.
Ingredients for salad “Favorite Husband”:
- Champignons – 300 g;
- Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
- Onion – 1 pc;
- Boiled eggs – 3 pcs;
- Cheese – 100 g;
- Smoked chicken breast – 250 g;
- Tomatoes – 2 pcs;
- Mayonnaise – tbsp;
- Garlic – 1 clove;
- Salt – ½ tsp.
Preparation of salad “Favorite Husband”:
Cut the peeled mushrooms into small cubes. Similarly cut the onion. In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry mushrooms and onions until mushrooms reduce in size.
In a cooking ring lay out the fried mushrooms and onions, beforehand the bottom is smeared with mayonnaise
Grate hard-boiled eggs on a coarse grater. Smear the mushroom layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle it with egg
layer. Rub a garlic clove on a fine grater into the egg layer, smear the surface with mayonnaise. Grate cheese on a fine grater, put it on the egg layer. Smear
the cheese layer with mayonnaise. Cut smoked chicken into small cubes and put on the cheese layer, smear with mayonnaise.
Cut tomatoes into small cubes and put on the chicken layer
On the layer of tomatoes create a mesh of mayonnaise.
You can decorate the salad with green onions and dill.
It turns out to be an excellent layered salad for a holiday.