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Finally found the right recipe. Puffed pancakes with kefir and no yeast

There are many different ways to prepare fritters. In addition to the traditional ones, recipes from European, Asian and Eastern countries are often used.

It is worth understanding that each nation prepares fritters according to its own preferences. For example, in Japan it is important that the fritters are evenly ruddy and smooth on both sides.

In eastern countries, there is a list of ingredients that are not added to the dough and filling for baked goods, including fritters.

In our


, the preparation of fritters is much easier. We will show how you can make puffy fritters without yeast.

Ingredients of fritters on kefir:

  • kefir – 500 ml;
  • flour – 450 g;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • baking soda – ½ tsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g;
  • egg – pcs.

Preparation of fritters on kefir:

In a bowl with kefir break an egg, pour vanilla and classic sugar, mix the ingredients. Pour salt into the homogeneous mass, continue mixing the ingredients.

Sift flour into the mixture of kefir in batches, knead the dough. In the last part of the flour you need to pour baking soda, mix it into the dough.

Put the thick dough into a pastry bag. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Using the bag create fritters on the surface of the frying pan.

Наконец-то нашла правильный рецепт. Пышные оладьи на кефире и без дрожжей

Fry the fritters on both sides until golden.

Наконец-то нашла правильный рецепт. Пышные оладьи на кефире и без дрожжей

It is recommended to serve the fritters with jam, sour cream or condensed milk.

The fritters are soft and puffy, a quick option for breakfast.

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