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Fish used to be cooked this way in almost every family. Delicious: both hot and cold

Baked fish was popular in the Middle Ages. Fish dishes were cooked mainly near the coast of rivers, lakes and seas.

However, many kinds of


such as herring, were considered to be beggars’ food. The

fact is that fish smelled bad a few hours after being caught


This made it impossible for the upper classes to eat it.

Pickles for fish saved the situation. Later, more expensive and elite types of fish were discovered. Then the cooks of royal and royal families began to pay attention to fish dishes.

Let’s tell you how to cook baked fish at home.

Ingredients for baked fish:

  • white fish fillet – 500 g;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • black pepper – a pinch;
  • onion – 2 pcs;
  • carrots – 2 pcs;
  • tomato paste – 4 tbsp;
  • bay leaf – pcs;
  • oregano pepper – 6 pcs;
  • tomato – pcs;
  • sugar – tbsp;
  • lemon juice – tbsp;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • butter – 70 g.

Preparation of baked fish:

Cleaned and thawed fish fillet cut into large pieces, salt and pepper, rub the spices into the fibers.

Раньше так рыбу готовили почти в каждой семье. Вкусно: как горячем, так и в холодном виде




feathers, fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil until soft.

Cut peeled carrots into thin bars and put them with the onions


Fry carrots and onions for 3-4 minutes, and then add tomato paste, bay leaf and allspice

. Mix the components and fry for 2-3 minutes. Dice the tomato and add it to the onions and carrots, add sugar and a pinch of salt.

Stir the ingredients, pour in the lemon juice and water. Add butter to the mixture and stew the vegetables for 10 minutes over low heat.

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Put ½ of the stewed vegetables in a baking dish.

Раньше так рыбу готовили почти в каждой семье. Вкусно: как горячем, так и в холодном виде

Place the fish on top of the vegetable layer. Put the rest of the stewed vegetables on top of the fish layer.

Раньше так рыбу готовили почти в каждой семье. Вкусно: как горячем, так и в холодном виде

Cover the mold with foil and bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Chop the dill finely and sprinkle it over the dish after cooking.

Раньше так рыбу готовили почти в каждой семье. Вкусно: как горячем, так и в холодном виде

You get a flavorful and juicy baked white fish.

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