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Flour, kefir and cheese. Delicious and appetizing khachapuri: simple recipe

Khachapuri is a dish that is a patrimony of Georgia. Khachapuri is prepared differently in every corner of the country. It depends on many factors, even local traditions of settlements.

Khachapuri recipes have become popular all over the world. Therefore, this flatbread with cheese is prepared everywhere. But, only in Georgia you can taste real khachapuri. Many families have been making flatbread for decades according to their own recipes, which are not shared.

Khachapuri has become a favorite dish for most people. Tender salty cheese on a crispy flatbread, egg perfectly combine with each other.

However, not everyone will be able to cook khachapuri


their own. Let’s create an easy analog of the Georgian dish.

Ingredients for lazy khachapuri:

  • Kefir – 200 g;
  • Egg – 2 pcs;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Flour – 400 g;
  • Mozzarella cheese – 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Preparation of lazy khachapuri:

In a bowl, combine kefir with egg and salt, mix. Pour the flour into the mixture and knead the dough.

Мука, кефир и сыр. Вкусные и аппетитные хачапури: простой рецепт

Grease the formed batter with vegetable oil and leave it under a plastic wrap for 10 minutes. At this time grate cheese and beat an egg to it.

Mix the cheese and egg and divide the filling into two equal parts.

Мука, кефир и сыр. Вкусные и аппетитные хачапури: простой рецепт

Form two lumps of cheese, create two lumps of dough.

Roll out the lumps into flat cakes with a diameter of 20 cm. Place the cheese in the flatbreads, sealing the inside like a pouch.

Мука, кефир и сыр. Вкусные и аппетитные хачапури: простой рецепт

Roll the rolls with the cheese inside into thick flatbreads.

Use your hands to roll the flatbreads into thinner layers. Put tortillas in a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry on both sides until browned.

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Мука, кефир и сыр. Вкусные и аппетитные хачапури: простой рецепт

Brush the tortillas with vegetable oil after cooking.

Мука, кефир и сыр. Вкусные и аппетитные хачапури: простой рецепт

This is a good substitute for the classic khachapuri, while not complicated.

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