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Flour, vinegar and boiling water: nothing complicated, but I just love them. The classic snail pastry

Snails are a delicious puff pastry that goes with many other dishes. Snails come in many varieties – sweet, spinach, meat, cheese and others. However, one of the tastiest snails is considered to be the classic


without any fillings.

Snails began to be cooked in the XIX century


There must have been this recipe before, but the peak of snails was two centuries ago,

because wheat flour became cheaper then


Every cook considered it his duty to experiment with dough. Therefore, now we have many different types of buns, snails and cookies.

Let’s tell you how to cook a classic muffin snail.

Ingredients for muffin snail:

  • warm water – 200 ml;
  • salt – tsp;
  • vinegar – tbsp;
  • flour – 350 g.

Preparation of muffin snail:

Pour salt into warm water, pour in vinegar and sift flour, knead elastic and soft dough. Leave the dough for 15 minutes under a towel

. Place the dough on the table and divide into two equal parts. Sprinkle the table with flour and shape the dough into balls. Roll out each roll into a large thin cake and brush with melted butter.

Divide the dough into thin strips, fold the strips together lengthwise


Мука, уксус и кипяток: ничего сложного, но я их просто обожаю. Классическая сдобная улитка

The resulting thick bundle is folded into a snail.

Мука, уксус и кипяток: ничего сложного, но я их просто обожаю. Классическая сдобная улитка

We repeat the same actions with the second layer of dough

. Slightly knead each snail and put it in a dry



On medium heat fry the snails on both sides until golden brown.

Мука, уксус и кипяток: ничего сложного, но я их просто обожаю. Классическая сдобная улитка

These are simple snails.

Мука, уксус и кипяток: ничего сложного, но я их просто обожаю. Классическая сдобная улитка

This recipe is as simple and budget-friendly as possible.