What is the beauty of cooking from quick recipes? The
main advantage is considered to be saving time. Unfortunately, not many people now have the time resource to prepare complex baked goods. Even moms in maternity leave usually do not have the opportunity to follow baking. Therefore, it is worth using simple and instant ways to prepare baked goods and desserts.
For example, there are excellent recipes for quick cookies. And such a dessert in taste is not inferior to store analogs.
Let’s show you how to prepare quick cookies.
Ingredients for homemade cookies:
- Butter – 30 g;
- Dates – 50 g;
- Egg white – pcs;
- Coconut shavings – 85 g.
Preparation of homemade cookies:
Pour dates with warm water and leave for 15 minutes. Melt butter, combine with egg white and coconut shavings, mix thoroughly.
Make a cut in the dates and remove the seeds. Cut dates into small pieces and add them to the coconut mixture. Form small lumps out of the coconut
mixture and place the lumps on a parchment-lined baking tray.
Bake the cookies at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
You get cookies without kneading the dough and preparing the cream. They are low-calorie, yet tasty.