Many people forget to include seafood in their diets. However, it is important to make sure that fish is on the weekly menu. It is not necessary to buy expensive types of fish, for example, trout or pink salmon. You can cook delicious dishes from pollock.
This type of fish is lean, belongs to the cod family. In pollock contains a lot of phosphorus, as well as iodine. This is especially useful for people who live far from the sea.
In addition to pollock meat, it is worth eating liver, because it contains many microelements
. However, it is worth starting to get acquainted with fish with fillets
Let’s tell you how to deliciously fry pollock yourself.
Ingredients for fried pollock:
- Pollock – 700 g;
- Eggs – 2 pcs;
- Milk – 2 tbsp;
- Flour – 100 g;
- Salt – a pinch.
Preparation of fried pollock:
Pollock should be cut into small portioned pieces, remove the insides and black film. Also fish should be rid of fins, gills and excess skin, rinse thoroughly in water.
For batter it is worth combining eggs with salt and milk. Pieces of fish roll in flour, and then dip into the egg mixture.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry pollock on both sides on medium heat until golden crust.
The result is a simple recipe for cooking fried pollock.
In addition to this type of fish, you can use other non-fatty fish, for example, keta.