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Fried zucchini “On the New”. Simply delicious: ready in just 15 minutes

What vegetable is considered a budget vegetable in our country, while not particularly often eaten? This vegetable is zucchini. The fact is that some people have a prejudice against zucchini. This vegetable has a specific taste, which repels those who are not familiar with the correct ways of cooking zucchini. It

turns out that this vegetable can be cooked deliciously


It will turn out to make an interesting appetizer. And you do not have to spend time on this.

Let’s tell you how to prepare a salad of fried zucchini.

Ingredients for fried zucchini salad:

  • zucchini – 3 pcs;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • paprika – ½ tsp;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • dill – a bunch.

Preparation of fried zucchini salad:

Remove the stalks from the zucchini, divide into two pieces lengthwise, and then into pieces across. The thickness of each piece is about cm.

Жареные кабачки "По новому". Просто пальчики оближешь: готовы всего за 15 минут

Sprinkle the zucchini pieces with paprika and salt and flour and mix.

Жареные кабачки "По новому". Просто пальчики оближешь: готовы всего за 15 минут Жареные кабачки "По новому". Просто пальчики оближешь: готовы всего за 15 минут

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the zucchini pieces until golden.

Жареные кабачки "По новому". Просто пальчики оближешь: готовы всего за 15 минут

Put the fried zucchini pieces in a bowl, put garlic cloves through the press. Chop the dill finely and add it to the zucchini.

Жареные кабачки "По новому". Просто пальчики оближешь: готовы всего за 15 минут

The result is a simple dish of zucchini. It is very budget-friendly, yet tasty.

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