Salads came to a lot of gastronomic cultures in the XVIII – XIX centuries. The fact is that this time is considered key in the popularization of France. Many states of the second echelon tried to repeat the French nobility and the royal court.
Accordingly, clothing, food and other attributes of life were adopted by the progressive society. Kings and courtiers did not ignore one of the main culinary innovations – salads. Soon this dish was prepared everywhere. The
first salads were not distinguished by originality, but rather copied the French. Only in the XX century salads began to change, to adapt to the common people.
We will tell you about a delicious salad with mushrooms and beef.
Ingredients of salad with mushrooms and beef:
- onion-1 pc;
- mushrooms (champignons) – 200 g;
- meat (beef) – 300 g;
- eggs – 2 pcs;
- tomato – 1 pc;
- salt – a pinch;
- mayonnaise – 2 tablespoons;
- garlic – 2 cloves.
Preparation of salad with beef:
Cut a small diced onion, small slices of mushrooms. In a frying pan with hot vegetable oil fry onions and mushrooms
. During frying mushrooms should be salted, mixed with onions. While the mushroom mass is cooking, you need to chop finely boiled beef.
Also you need to cut boiled eggs and tomato into small cubes, combine in the same container with beef and fried mushrooms and onions.
Fill the salad with mustard and mayonnaise, pass garlic cloves through the press
After all the components are mixed together, the salad can be served to the table. You can also shred parsley, green onions and dill for a more intense flavor.