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“Herring under a Japanese coat”. Russian salad in the Japanese manner: much tastier than the original

Herring under a fur coat salad is a creation of Soviet cooks of the early 1920s. The history of the dish’s creation is incredibly simple. It was necessary to create a dish that could become relevant among workers. That is, the dish did not have to contain any expensive products.

Herring, beets and eggs were in every house, in the stores there were no problems with the purchase of ingredients.

For a long time, Herring under a fur coat remained our original salad. But, in the 1980s, it began to penetrate other countries. The Asians especially liked Herring under a fur coat. Therefore, now in Chinese and Japanese social networks, in blogs with recipes, you can find analogs of our Herring under a fur coat.

Ingredients for Herring under a Japanese coat:

  • herring fillets – pcs;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • carrots – pcs;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • boiled rice – 60 g;
  • beet – pcs;
  • onion – ½ pc;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.

Cooking Herring under a Japanese coat:

Boil carrots and beets until ready, hard-boil eggs. Peel off the top layer of carrots and chop on large grater teeth, lay out the first layer, well tamped.

Each layer of salad should be smeared with mayonnaise


On the layer of carrots lay out rice. Cut a small diced


, lay out the next layer after the rice layer.

Cut herring in pieces, move it to the surface of the onion layer


On the fish layer, grate boiled eggs on a coarse

grater. Chop the peeled beet on small grating cutters, create a beet cap on the surface of the salad. The top layer of beets abundantly smeared with mayonnaise.

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"Сельдь под японской шубой". Русский салат на Японский манер: намного вкуснее, чем оригинал

It is necessary to remove the salad for an hour in the refrigerator for soaking.

"Сельдь под японской шубой". Русский салат на Японский манер: намного вкуснее, чем оригинал

You can decorate the Herring in a Japanese coat with dill and green onions.

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