Initially, it seems that chebureks are such a simple dish that it cannot have any epic history of origin. However, it turns out that for the first time chebureks appeared under Genghis Khan. In ancient times, chebureks were prepared by warriors who needed to quickly satiate themselves with food.
Later chebureks moved to the Tatars, where they got along with belyashami
Then the dish spread throughout the USSR, where it became the main fast food.
Now few people do not cook chebureks
It can be done quite quickly, and at the same time it will turn out delicious.
Ingredients of dough for chebureks:
- flour – 250 g;
- water – 125 ml;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
Ingredients for stuffing:
- beef – 200 g;
- onion – 1 pc;
- vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
- water – 2 tbsp;
- salt – ½ tsp.
Preparation of chebureks:
In a bowl with flour mix water, salt and vegetable oil, knead thoroughly and form a block. Leave the dough under cellophane in the heat for 30-40 minutes.
For the filling chop the onion through a meat grinder along with the beef. Pour vegetable oil and water into the mixture, salt and mix the ingredients.
Divide the dough into 6 equal parts, form small tortillas
Leave the tortillas under cellophane for 15 minutes.
Roll out the tortillas into rounds with a diameter of 15-17 cm. Put the stuffing on a part of each plate, making sure not to bring the stuffing to the edge by 1-2 cm.
Seal the stuffing inside the dough and cover with the second part of the plate.
It is important that the stuffing does not touch the seam, otherwise the juice will leak out.
Heat 500 ml of vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry the chebureks in it on both sides until browned.
You get simple, juicy chebureks. If you want to make more chebureks, double the portions of ingredients.